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From A Kid’s Eyes

Updated: Jul 7, 2022

One of our teachers said it best just a little while ago:

“You really have to think about things from our students’ perspective,” she said, going over some of the day to day items and how to put together the best music lessons. “It's like you’re getting down to their level and seeing through their eyes how they experience their time here.”

We feel privileged to work with local families and see first-hand our students’ reaction to being able to broaden their horizons, with music lessons and more that develop the kinds of technical and social skills they will use later in life.

The Joy of Singing

Vocal lessons are a great way to build confidence in young children.

Using the natural power of their own voices, our students develop tools of self-expression and skill mastery that put them on a path toward what may either be a rewarding hobby or even a career choice.

When you see the twinkling eyes of these kids belting out their favorites, you understand the value of this type of musical instruction, and why having a friendly community-based studio is such a great resource for these kids!

Favorite Instruments

Another one of our teachers specializes in drum lessons.

“These kids just really like to get their energy out,” he says. “Think about it: they’re in school all day, sitting there probably drawing (or drumming) on their desks with their fingers. They get in here and they can thrash it out, while also exploring those skills that are more technical. But you can really see them going at it and developing with a passion and an energy that you just wish you had when you're older…”

Our guitar and bass teachers have said the same thing. By choosing an instrument that they love, students get to engage in something that is their choice, and enjoy going in a direction that they really get to build day to day, and that makes a big difference in their days, weeks and months.

Recitals and Events

When your kid has learned music theory and instrument or vocal skills, they want to show them off to the world.

That's why our recitals are exciting events. They are times that we can show and tell about everything we've done during a year or part of a year in the studio.

There's a lot more to say about what we do at the Glendora Music and Arts School, but check out our website for details on getting your kids involved!

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